~ / cv

📜 Sindre Kjelsrud

Last update: April 26, 2024


Aspiring IT professional with a commitment to joining Capgemini post-graduation in 2024. Passionate about software development, open source and the dynamic of collaborative teamwork. Eager to leverage my technical and professional expertise to grow in the new role of Software Engineer.


Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

  • Developed a movie database application and API
  • Collaborated in pair programming throughout the internship
  • Contributed to a large existing codebase
  • Utilized React.js, C# and PostgreSQL for full-stack development

Summer intern


Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

  • Developed an error reporting application for the new sick pay adoption solution
  • Collaborated within a team comprising our mentrs and two other interns
  • Engaged in full-stack development using React.js, Kotlin and PostgreSQL


Jan 2024 - present

Bachelor in Information Technology

Western University of Applied Sciences

Aug 2021 - present

Secondary School Teacher, class 5-10

NLA University College

Aug 2020 - May 2021

IT & Information Systems

University of South-Eastern Norway

Aug 2019 - May 2020




Sep 2022 - present

  • Collaborated in team environments to enhance project efficiency
  • Managed and operated Linux servers
  • Deployed Docker images and containers for application virtualization
  • Implemented and maintained Wordpress websites for clients

2023 - 2023

  • Initiated and led the first-ever Bergen Open Source conference in 2023, overseeing all planning phases and successfully hosting over 70 participants & 5 speakers



Jul 2023 - Dec 2023

  • Led member recruitment initiatives, expanding team talent and capabilities
  • Significantly increased social media presence, effectively enhancing brand visibility
  • Achieved a 250% increase in social media followers, adding 65 new followers
  • Coordinated PR-efforts for the Bergen Open Source conference, contributing to its successful first year



Jan 2023 - Jun 2023

  • Administrative tasks, convene meetings etc.
  • Successfully recruited and integrated new team members
  • Acquired three new clients, and managed already established client relationships
  • Orchestrated a successful Capture The Flag (CTF) event, drawing ~35 participants and enhancing community engagement


Programming languages

C#, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, TypeScript

Libraries & Frameworks

Astro, dotNET, Hugo, React.js, Spring, Svelte, TailwindCSS


Docker, Figma, Git