~ / garden / machines / kanto

[ Kanto ]

🌳 ~ My first "server" <3 (Out of prod ⚰️)

πŸ“ Info

Kanto was an old MacBook Air I had lying around. Since joining friByte I wanted to setup my own server at home, and with some tips from friends I decided why not use an old laptop (even though it’s kinda cursed to use a MacBook Air lol).

I learned tons from it and had so much fun trying out different stuff!

πŸ—οΈ Setup

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64

Host: MacBook Air 7,2 1.0

CPU: Intel i5-5250U (4) @ 2.700GHz

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 6000

Memory: ~4GB

πŸš€ Stuff hosted on it

On Kanto I hosted a minecraft server, my Discord bot ~ β€œsidBot”, and a Wireguard VPN.