~ / slashes

[ Slashes ]

These are the rest of the slash pages on my website.

🎭 appearances · where i’ve shared insights or participated

🔖 bookmarks · collection of my favorite links to content around the web

🌐 contact · ways to reach me across the cyberspace

📜 cv · my resume

🔁 feedroll · collection of my favorite feeds

🪴 garden · my digital garden, filled with drafts, ideas and more

⏳ now · what i’m doing right now

💬 quotes · my favorite quotes

🍳 recipes · recipes i like

📋 todo · todo list for website

🐦 twtxt.txt · microblogging mostly used to reply to blog-posts

✨ uses · what i use on a daily basis

📀 vinyl · my vinyl collection

🎁 wish · my public wishlist

🗺️ worldmap · map of places I’ve been in the world