~ / garden / services / mc_server

[ sidsIgloo ~ A Minecraft server ]

🌿 ~ Some info about the server

📝 Info

sidsIgloo is a Minecraft server created for fun and learning. It’s one of my first services to run on a server by myself and I’ve learned a bit from it!

👷 Server work & maintenance

🛠️ How to run

1. Start screen with `screen`
2. Run start command: `java -Xmx4096M -jar server.jar nogui`
3. Press "ctrl + a + d" to exit screen
4. To enter the running screen, write `screen -r`

⬆️ Updating server version

  1. Move everything, except eula, logs, and old server version to a folder named backup (or whatever you want to call it)
  2. Delete remaining files/folders
  3. Download latest Minecraft server from website using curl -O {LINK}
  4. Run the new server with the command on the website
  5. Edit eula.txt to true
  6. Move files/folders from backup to main directory again with rsync -a backup/* .
  7. Finito! Run server again as usual


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